Начало Бокс Болната от коронавирус боксьорка можела да се бие

Болната от коронавирус боксьорка можела да се бие

Болната от коронавирус боксьорка можела да се бие

Микаела Майер е можела да се боксира в Лас Вегас, въпреки че дни преди гала-вечерта даде положителна проба за COVID-19.

Тя трябваше да участва в първото шоу на „Топ Ранк“, организирана след пандемията от коронавируса, но беше принудена да се оттегли заради заразяване. По ирония на съдбата, във вечерта на шоуто Микаела е научила от лекаря, работещ по нейния случай, че всъщност е можела да участва. Но вече е било прекалено късно за повторното ѝ включване в картата.

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In detail… On May 29, prior to flying to Vegas I was given a COVID-19 test as well as an antibody test. My results from the antibody test came back right away…I was positive for an IGG antibody and negative for an IGM. Having an IGG antibody means I have come into contact with the virus in the past & have built the antibodies to fight it??. Someone with an IGM antibody indicates a recent or current exposure to the virus. Since I had the IGG antibodies, I believed I was good to go. ?? My Covid test result was negative as well!?? Upon arrival to Vegas, I was tested again & then sent to a hotel room to quarantine until results were ready. When I woke up to a call saying my test was positive, it was a complete surprise. My first response was “But I already had it, my IGG ANTIBODY test was positive!” With the existing protocols in place there wasn’t an opportunity for a second test or for further investigation so I was removed from the MGM “Bubble” and told I could not fight. I rented a car and hit the road for a 13 hour drive back to my house in Colorado. When I arrived I immediately went to a COVID testing spot in Denver to re-test ,as I genuinely thought my positive result had to be a mistake. In the meantime, I got an email from a physician advising Top Rank and the Nevada State Athletic Commission. She had reviewed my Vegas test and reassured me that I was in fact not infectious. My blood work showed that I had come in contact with the virus in the past & that it was not current or recently ill. My body was simply still shedding pieces of the virus which is very common and can lead to positive test results for months post exposure without being a threat to anyone around me. This explains why my entire team and sparring partner all tested negative for COVID-19. The doctor argued that I should have been cleared to fight but because this virus is new there is still a lot of worry and panic surrounding it. So there was no room to adjust the protocols on the spot. My results from Tuesday test In Denver are NEGATIVE ?? In the future, I hope tests will be paired with blood work/antibody test to give an accurate assessment. Ready to get back to work!

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„Лекарят твърдеше, че мога да се бия, но, тъй като вирусът е нов, има много притеснения и паника около него. Така че нямаше начин да променим правилата в движение“, каза Майер пред boxingscene.com.

Тя допълни, че вече има позволение да тренира и да участва в двубои, като възнамерява да се боксира в най-скоро време. „Топ Ранк“ ще организира гала-вечери всеки вторник и четвъртък, като Майер се надява да се бие до края на юли.